When I started Brad Bores Films back in 2012 all I was thinking about was creating films. I didnt think much about the name or the logo on their initations. That was the time and place I was at in the early 20 teens. Finishing up a gruelling 2 year feature documentary film in New Orleans had me blurry and weary and lacking the energy to think about nitty grittys like logos and company names. I simply needed an LLC for tax reasons and that was that. Fast forward to 2024 and although my spirit for filmmaking has not wavered I have found more balance and perspective in life and my work. In the origins era I had my head down, eyes closed, plowing ahead. Maybe a trait of the late 20's/early 30s? At this point I am looking more out at the horizon while also thinking back to my creative beginnings and what and how this spark was initially lit.
Before I was ever doing video I was a graphic design major at bowling green state university. I fell in love with design, typography and the way it was being used back in the early aughts in new and exiting ways. My focus changed to film (video) when I took on a documentary project my senior year and then proceeded to move to LA after graduation to go all in on film. Going so hard into this BBF identity reboot project has been a deep dive back into an old creative love and has totally relit my fire. I definitely feel this will translate into my video work for 2025.
This BBF identity make over isnt just to freshen things up or a business mid-life crisis or any of that. It is the artist, the owner, the filmmaker, finding new life in an old love. It is a rebirth and it is connecting the thread between how it all started for me and where I am at now. I am excited about this all because it will translate in everything I do going forward and it really is a new exciting chapter in my creative life and work. Ya feel it!!!
