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2012-2024 "Don't Look Back"

2012 is when I formed "Brad Bores Films LLC" with the state of Ohio. At the time I just needed to write off the expenses from the documentary I had just finished shooting the past 2 years. Obviously not much thought went into the name or the idea of me having a "business" or "production company". I was just living, eating and breathing filmmaking as an artist at the time. Nothing else really mattered or interested me. As the film wrapped I moved back to the midwest from the filming location of New Orleans with no real job and 400 hours of footage to edit. In this time I realized I had allot to offer for people looking to showcase their music, business, passion project, team, etc. The midwest had changed since I moved to LA in 05 and I was feeling this revival. I picked the camera back up and started filming. No plan, no direction, no model, just purely taking that "ride or die" deep love of filmmaking I have always had and bringing that vision to each project that I was lucky to get a chance to take on.

Here we are 13 years later and I may have slowly turned into a production company that does have a bit of a vision and plan. The thing that hasn't changed is what I bring to each and every project. Just like 2012 in New Orleans in the boxing gyms for When The Bell Rings. 100% All in going hard in the paint each and every time I pick up a camera.

This is my career reel 2012-2024. Dylan said it best - "Don't Look Back" which I do whole heartedly agree with but I do think in certain moments we can reflect on the past to keep the future in prospective. That's what I have done here. It was wild digging back into the hard drives. Some projects I forgot even happened others felt like they were just yesterday. These aren't the "best" shots or the "coolest" shoots or biggest baddest or whatever. I just rambled through the old hard drives and pulled shots from the shoots that I can still feel something from. The ones that changed me, that troubled me, that brought joy, that brought sleepless nights. So let's take a look back before we head to the future. Ya feel it?


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